Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mark, It is time to start voting Republican.

Bro, It is time to put your money where your mouth is and counter-author this most excellent blog with me.


  1. Argh, I'm tired...can't you just start by copy and pasting some of our previous arguments. I also don't want this to be another your wrong because I'm right partisan thing...I'm so tired of that. What is wrong with our country goes way beyond party affiliations...we have shrunk the conversation to such a juvenile state in the past 10 or so years...It is time to grow up, act like men and stop seeing black & white because this shit is the entire spectrum....there is nuance and certainly no simple answers to the myriad of complex and pressing issues we have to deal with in this country and the world.

  2. Well I wasn't really thinking about arguing politics here I was thinking more Random Crazy thoughts. The InFighting was the result of a Mom comment. Ok so call me dense but what does Maudlin Pleas mean.

  3. Here is a short story/poem thing I wrote about riding the subway

    S t e e l ~and~ F i r e

    The agility and athleticism of an average Chicago subway/L rider is highly underestimated. We practiced urbanites ride the CTA with the stealth and relaxed confidence of Professional Athletes as we plant our human frames, standing, atop centipede sections of electric-powered skateboards proceeding forward while cracking & snapping…flames wreathing between wheel and track. We in Chicago affectionately refer to this everyday thrill ride, as “taking the L”

    Now for the lessons we ferocious, elegant Chicagoans take fro granted and know by rote so deeply ingrained in our being. We perform this acrobatic feat to and from work daily as we casually text, browse, stuff iPods in our ears, scroll, and more rarely talk amongst ourselves.

    These Banging & Clanging, Careening & Bolting, Skidding & Halting Steel and Fire Dragons…bucking and hurling mere mortals about individual chambers like Rag Anne and Andy again and again and again.

    Innocent souls/visitors who wander unprepared into the womb of the Great Lady, Mother Chicago. The visitors crawl into the separate fluorescent-lit chambers for the first time. “Oh my so crowed no seats…guess I better hang on!”

    Ole Man Daly, the first one, blows the Machine up the tracks and all seems well and fine. First timers will loosen their grip on whatever metal tubing or vinyl strap they might be clinging to and then the beat gets a little more frenetic and this tiny ship is being tossed.

    Ruddy visitor cheeks aflame, lit by the sparks outside the chambers’ windows…terrorized by the moaning, cat bitch heat screaming that is beyond blood curdling… “must not panic, don’t faint, hold on!” Our visitors hold their water and pray quietly that they will survive. Surrounded by experts who barely notice full acceleration followed by complete sudden stops….

    We urban animals instinctually spread our haunches and find a more forgiving center of gravity as we board the Sliding-Steel-Door draped compartments. Our phantom claws curl down and out of our street shoes and cling to the ribbed rubber flooring beneath our adept frames. We are Darwin’s theory…golden, nibble, adaptive beings existing, no, thriving in a beautiful yet harsh and dense jungle.

  4. Wow, So much in every line, it is like a Whitman's assorted chocolate in every verb. However, It took me 3 re-reads to put it into something that the average 30 year old boob could comprehend while eating a Big Mack. So, disregarding my headache, I must admit that the imagery was excellent. Loved the Dragon, womb and Old Man parallels to the L.
    Did you see my Axel post?

  5. MP, heed my advice!

    Love that you guys did this. I look forward to many hours of entertainment, so quit sitting there and entertain me!
